On Saturday Mitch came out and explained how this had been his first chance to watch Dean Haglund in action, and he loved it! Mitch related that he had been able to catch a small bit of Dean's performance at a news conference (attended mostly by journalists), and that he didn't really want to comment on the sense of humor of journalists, but he was the only one in the room howling with laughter as the journalists just sat around and smiled.
Sunday's intro was a bit different. When he first appeared on stage (without his ball cap!) his microphone kept cutting out. He started to move his lips without speaking (exaggerating the microphone problems) and acted like he was telling a story. He then waved by and started to walk off-stage. They finally got his microphone problems straightened out, and he told us about how Nick Lea had convinced him to stay out late last night, and that he felt rather "ragged".
Saturday's Questions:
Are you ever going to be an any more Wes Craven movies?
The person went on to say that Mitch's character in "Shocker" was great. Mitch replied that he had worked with Wes three times, and that he was a great friend and a wonderful person. He didn't know if they would work together again. Pileggi said that he was so happy that Wes Craven was having such success with the "Scream" movies, and that maybe they would work together again in the future.
After stating that Skinner was absolutely irreplaceable (prompting many supporting screams) someone asked How ironic is it that Pileggi is playing Skinner when compared with Mitch's own family background?
Pileggi responded that he grew up around the military so he had plenty of exposure to that type of lifestyle. He tries to bring some of his own life experiences into the Skinner character and all of the characters he has played.
Do any of your family or friends have any disagreement with your working on the X-Files due to its conspiratorial nature?
"No". He said something like it was a satirical show -- then paused and said "or is it?". He said he was sure that there is a lot of wild stuff going on out there that we don't know about.
After seeing the recent episode where they played some of the X-Files bloopers, what scene did you require the most takes on?
Mitch replied that on "The Red and the Black", when he and Mulder go into the tent where they are treating Scully, he is supposed to say his line about finding her and a few other survivors. He said the line perfectly (and quickly) on stage and said "Oh I can say it now", but he could not say the lines to save his life when they were filming. Mitch said that it was particularly horrible because Chris Carter was directing. He said that when he finally got the lines out he walked over to the monitors with Chris, who said "Well I guess we finally got through it" -- prompting Mitch to joke "Will I have a job next year? Mr. Carter?" He went on to say that scene was "brutal", and that he was dying.
What is the best role that you have ever had, and what is the worst?
Mitch replied that the best role he had ever had was Assistant Director Skinner on the X-Files... period (prompting screams from the audience). His worst role was a security guard on the movie "It's Pat" (prompting much laughter from the audience). Mitch went on to say that he tried very hard to keep his face from appearing on the screen in the "Pat" movie. He said that he had 3 lines but he managed to give 2 of them to the other security guard in the scene with him.
Do you believe in extra-terrestrials?
How much feedback do you and the others on the show get from the actual FBI?
Mitch responded that he had spoken with several FBI agents and that the reaction has been very positive. One agent told him that Mitch's characterization of Skinner was very much like the assistant directors that he had worked with.
What is your favorite episode?
Mitch replied that that question is very hard for him to answer because he can't pick just one. He said the one that springs to mind is "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" -- everything about that episode was stunning. He also loves "Home". Others that he likes a lot are "Memento Mori" and "Paper Clip".
Someone then asked him to say his line from "Paper Clip". Mitch said "There's kids out there!", but as the audience yelled he said "There are kids out there, so just pucker up and kiss my ass!". The crowd went wild.
What do you guys do back there behind stage while we're out here?
Mitch said that while backstage they do press with local news people and journalists, and that he made sure he could spend time at the monitor watching Dean's performance, and so he could listen to us scream for Nick.
As your alliance with Mulder becomes more & more open, why haven't they (the consortium) just rubbed Skinner out?
Mitch replied that he really didn't have a good answer for that. He guessed that Skinner's death would spurn Mulder & Scully to go that much farther (from the watchful eye of the FBI) in their attempts to do their work.
An audience member asked him to take his hat off and let her rub his head, to which he replied that if he removes his hat his hair will make him look like Bozo the Clown. He did remove it for a moment, commenting that his head was probably really shiny right now (and I'm guessing that he didn't wear his hat on Sunday just so people would quit asking him stuff like this).
The next guy up was the same one who had asked Nick Lea earlier who the toughest guy on the show was. The audience member said that Nick had replied that Skinner was the toughest, but that he liked sucker punching. Mitch told the audience member to ask Nick why it took him and two other guys in a stairwell to keep Skinner down (much audience yelling here). Mitch kept mumbling "sucker puncher" under his breath.
Skinner gets rather upset when Mulder & Scully doubt his authority, but especially with Scully. Why is that?
Mitch replied that he is very sensitive to Scully's responses (much catcalling from the audience here). Mitch admitted that that is basically how Chris Carter wants the character to be played, and the way that the scripts are written. He said that he has put himself on the line for them so many times that when they do doubt him it really does hurt him. It hurts him when Mulder does it, but it especially hurts when she does it, and when he has to "look into those pretty eyes" (yes, he said that).
Is it true that you and David perform scenes from West Side Story in breaks from filming?
Mitch replied that David doesn't let him do West Side Story anymore because David doesn't know the words. Mitch said he would do the singing, while David had to dance (much, much laughter here). Mitch said "Get a picture of that in your head". Mitch admitted that they used to do West Side Story, but now they do other things just to "keep it fresh". Mitch also said that a lot of people ask him if there is a role he would like to play someday, and he says that he would love to play Tevye from "Fiddler on the Roof".
Just how did you feel about performing in your undies?
He started to act like he would disrobe on the stage, and after letting the screams from the audience die down, he replied "It was weird, but... once I did it I got into it. They couldn't get me to put my pants back on." He admitted that he had done stage work where he appeared completely nude!
I wandered around a bit here in an attempt to find one of the digital-camera people to get a picture of Mitch for me, so I wasn't writing anything down -- sorry!
Sunday's Questions:
The first question on Sunday was particularly lame, and I was afraid the whole day was going to be a bust (fortunately it was the only truly bad question of the day). The audience member asked why they had cast Tom Noonan in the role of Roche in "Paper Hearts", and whether or not his height posed a problem. Mitch was very nice as he explained that he does not do the casting for the show, and that Noonan was a great addition to the cast in that episode.
If you and the rest of the cast was stranded in the Alps, who would you eat first?
Mitch laughed and responded "Guess". Pileggi then asked his "If you were a Spice Girl, what name would you use" question, to which the audience member replied "Oregano", and Mitch accused him of hearing that question before.
There was a question about how much input Mitch has into his lines/character development, and can they change their lines. Mitch replied that mostly they do follow the script, but if there is a line that just doesn't seem right they can talk to the director or writers about it. If it requires a major change the director can go to Chris, who is pretty generous about that type of thing. He also said that by the end of the season, sometimes the writers are changing the script even as the actors are filming it. Mitch says that this is particularly difficult, since you are expected to recite lines that were penciled onto your script moments earlier (and even harder when he can't read his own writing). He also mentioned that this is no problem for David Duchovny, who has a photographic memory, but it does present a problem for the rest of them. Mitch says he refuses to complain, however, because usually when they do these types of rewrites it only makes the show better.
From all of us who have seen them -- we want more bloopers!
The audience member who asked this question told Mitch to tell the powers-that-be that we would also like them to be good-quality, not like the bootleg copies we must use now. Mitch replied that he too loves bloopers, and that there are a whole lot of bloopers that they just can not show us (prompting much laughter from those of us who know what he is talking about).
How long does it take to film an episode, and how much money do you make?
(Much laughter here as well). Mitch replied "For the second part of that question -- none of your beeswax". He also said that they schedule 8 working days for principle photography, but it doesn't always work that way. He explained some more about the time, but most of the same information was covered in the Paul Rabwin Q&S Session, so you can read it there if you like.
In the episode "Zero Sum" it was never really made clear -- did your wife die?
"I've never been clear on that either -- I'm still looking for her" (much laughter). He really doesn't know what happened either -- he doesn't know if it just didn't work out between them or if she died or if they are living in separate apartments or what. He commented that Skinner is obviously living alone, so he doesn't know what happened to her.
I wanted to know how it felt to get your butt kicked by a young secretary in "Pusher"?
"It felt really good -- actually I asked them to give me a second go at her 'cause I think I can take her". He went on to say that that was the last time -- after that he said that was enough and that he had taken a beating by too many people. "When it gets to the point when you've got a little girl beating up on him it's time to do something else".
What is the single strangest thing you have found yourself doing in a role?
He replied that we had just seen it in the scene where he was "taking he drawers off". He said that he felt cheap. The audience member replied that we really did appreciate it.
When will Scully get a desk or a nameplate -- what's up with that?
"I told her that she could use my desk anytime she wants too!"
...and a follow-up to that -- when will Skinner tell Scully he loves her?
"I tell her that everyday." Pileggi went on to explain that Skinner actually cares for both Mulder and Scully and what they are doing, but he doesn't think that there's anything like "that" going on. He explained that "when you are doing a scene with Gillian, you can't look into that pretty face and not react like that -- she's a sweet-heart". He then added that he married her photo-double, and left the rest up to our imaginations.
Are Mulder and Skinner ever going to have a gay relationship?
(Much, much screaming from the audience) Pileggi says that that is actually one of the bloopers that we haven't seen (little does he know...).
... also, is Skinner ever gonna use Rogaine?
(this drew unhappy yells from the audience) "I don't reckon... 'cause I ain't gonna" (happy shouts, all is well with the world).
On the magic show you hosted, who is the magician?
"I have no idea who that is." He added that when he does those things they have already shot all of the magic stuff and he just records his part on a sound stage.
When you initially took the role of Skinner did you ever expect that you would get this type of following? And when you started becoming popular how did you react to that?
Mitch replied that he really had no idea. He said that when he took the role he thought it was a one-shot deal and fortunately for him that isn't how it worked out, "Thank you Lord". He said that the following is very flattering, but other than coming to the "conventions" he doesn't have that much exposure to it (he immediately corrected himself after calling it a "convention", re-iterating the word "Expo" and looking as though he had said something horribly wrong -- it was cute). He admitted that he doesn't get onto the internet, so he doesn't really follow what his fans are saying about him. He said "it's very flattering and I... I blush" (awwwww).
Was the "pucker up and kiss my ass" scene actually written in the script or did you come up with that?
"I wish I had come up with that". It was in the script. Mitch said that it was one of his favorite lines, and that it was about time he stood up to CancerMan.
You play the Assistant Director of the FBI on the show, where is the Director of the FBI?
"You know that door to the right of my desk? He's sittin' back there". Pileggi went on to explain that the actually hierarchy is the Director, the Deputy Director, then the Assistant Directors, and that there are a lot of Assistant Directors in the FBI. Skinner is not "The" Assistant Director, he is one of the Assistant Directors. Mitch also explained that Section Chief Blevins was actually higher-up than Assistant Director Skinner. Mitch then told us that Howard Gordon had actually proposed a story line where Skinner got busted for helping Mulder and Scully and got demoted to a field agent so he could go out in the field more and do more stuff. Mitch said he thought that was a great idea, but Carter said no. He went on to say "When Chris says 'No', Chris means 'No'".
It was really hard to understand what the next audience member was asking, one reason being because he kept calling the scripts "books", but he seemed to want to know why the episodes jumped around from "Monster of the Week" to "Mythology" episodes, and how much say Chris Carter has over everything. Pileggi replied that if we had nothing but mythology episodes, we would probably get really tired of it (audience clapping). He said that it is great to through in an unrelated episode like "Home" every so often, or a humorous one. He also said that Chris has tremendous impact on the show. "Chris is 'it' -- he is the X-Files -- period". Mitch said that Chris approves and re-writes everything that hits the air, and the writers on the show all have his vision. "Every show has his touch."
Are you really an ex-Marine?
Someone asked him when the movie opened, and Mitch replied that he thought it opened on June 16th -- but then the entire audience corrected him by shouting "nineteenth!", then burst into laughter at his reaction. Mitch admitted he was wrong, but said that their premiere was on the 16th.
We have heard that David Duchovny is a non-believer in real-life, and that Gillian Anderson is a believer in aliens. What are your views?
Mitch admitted that he totally believes, but then said that David and Chris Carter aren't really non-believers, they just aren't totally convinced. They need to see more before they totally believe.
I know that David and Gillian attempt to do movies in their spare time, do you?
Mitch replied that he doesn't have time during the filming season because both he and his wife work on the show and are usually busy with it. He does attempt to do other work on his summers off. He then asked "Why, do you have something for me?"
Can you provide any insight into the relationship between Fox Mulder and the Cigarette Smoking Man?"
Pileggi responded that there are many possibilities with the Cigarette Smoking Character now -- he could be Samantha's father, Fox's father, and/or Agent Spender's father. He said that CancerMan certainly gets around. Mitch commented that "He's a pretty randy old guy".
Is Chris Carter going to be leaving the show after the film, and if so is everyone concerned about the quality and structure of the show?
Mitch seemed to reply with certainty that Carter was going to be around (again, much audience applause). Pileggi said that he is not involved with Chris's contract, but Chris had just announced the move to LA, and Mitch couldn't imaging Carter making that announcement if he wasn't going to continue to be involved. He then said that he hoped the X-Files films would be something that they would be doing for a while.
What is your feeling about being able to walk into Wal-Mart and buy your action figure?
"Scary". He said that it is "gonna be weird". (He then paused in the middle of this discussion and asked the front rows if his head looked really shiny.) He said that when they were doing the conventions a couple of years ago he had done one in Austin and someone had made their own Skinner action figure. They had taken the head of a 'Jean Luc Picard' figure and painted the hair brown, then took the body from a 'The Shadow' figure, then they had painted on a white shirt and a tie and made little wire glasses for it. He said that he still has it today.
Was Skinner the one who helped the Cigarette Smoking Man when he got shot in "Redux II"?
"I don't think so." Mitch replied that if it was up to Skinner he would have left him laying there bleeding to death.
Where did you guys go last night?
Mitch said that they had gone out to dinner at a really nice place, and then he had the opportunity to go back to he hotel and go to sleep, but "Nick is very persuasive". The then related the story that they had gotten in on Friday night and he and Nick tried to go out to eat, but at the time Mitch was dressed as he usually is (jeans and a t-shirt, ball cap and sneakers) and the restaurant wouldn't let him in! He said that Nick was dressed fine so they let him in, so Nick ate dinner while Mitch went back to the hotel... "Good friend!". He then said that they went back to the same place last night, and that even though he was dressed the same, someone had called ahead and said that they were X-Files actors, so they were allowed in. Mitch said that it really irritates him when you have to use something like that to get into a joint... "but hey, it works!"
What did you do before the X-Files?
Mitch said that he did a lot of TV, a lot of BAD TV, a lot of movies, a lot of BAD movies. He said that he did stuff that he loved as well, but he really couldn't remember offhand everything that he had done, except for "Shocker" -- he does remember that.
Do you work out?
He said that he does when he can get into a routine. He said that he hasn't worked out a lot lately because he has been traveling a lot. The lady who asked the question commented that she loved his bald head, to which he replied "You're sweet".
If you had control over the show, what would you change?
"Not a thing." Mitch said that the way they are currently handling the show is brilliant. He asked if there was anything we would change, and much of the audience yelled back "More Skinner!".
How is your wife doing?
"She's doing great!"
Do you know what you are going to have?
Mitch replied that they are having a girl. Mitch went on to explain that his life was great right now. He waited a long time and finally found the right girl.
The next audience member asked what his favorite & least favorite episodes are. Mitch's answer was no different than his answer on Saturday, except to add that he couldn't really think of his least favorite episode because he likes everything. He asked the person who asked the question what their least favorite was, and they replied Post-Modern Prometheus, prompting some unhappy sounds from the audience. Mitch replied that he would never say that he hated it, because Chris Carter wrote it and directed it.
We heard that you aren't in the movie a lot. Why is that?
Mitch replied that the movie is mainly a Mulder & Scully road thing, and that the movie follows them all over the world. Mitch said that he had seen a cut of the movie a few weeks ago and that it totally blew him away. He also said that the cut he saw was not the whole thing because they were still doing reshoots 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Will there ever be a Millennium/X-Files crossover?
Pileggi replied that he didn't know for sure, but he didn't think so. He mentioned that there was a gag in Millennium where David and Gillian's photo doubles appeared in a scene together in the FBI building, and that knows about it because his wife did it (since she is Gillian's photo double).
Has there ever been a character on the show that you were envious of -- where you said "I wish I could do that"?
Mitch said that he had never thought about that. He asked the audience member, who said that it would be nice to have Pusher's ability. Mitch said that was the first thing that came to his mind when asked too. He said that it would be nice to have everyone do exactly what you wanted them to do, but he concluded by saying "But look at what happened to him".
Has the show ever touched a nerve in the real FBI?
Mitch replied that they get a lot of very favorable feedback from the FBI, and that they are in-touch and very complimentary. He added that one of their producers had gone to the real FBI building to shoot some stock footage. He looked up at the building and noticed that there were X's taped to some of the windows.
We know that Agent Scully has a tattoo. Do you have one?
How much make-up was required for your appearance in "Shocker"?
Mitch replied that he had to sit in the make-up chair for 4 hours each day. He added that the movie was intense, and brutal. He admitted that he had a great time doing that movie, and that working with Wes Craven was great.
Are there any actors or actresses that have influenced you?
He likes John Malkovich and Tommy Lee Jones. Mitch said that there are a lot of actors that he admires, but none that he tries to emulate or copy.
There are a lot of inside jokes hidden in the episodes. There was one episode where the American Flag is upside-down in his office. Was that significant?
Mitch replied that that was news to him and he had no idea.
A little kid was up at the microphone here, and he totally forgot his question. Mitch attempted to help him remember and get his question out. He finally managed to ask how Skinner knew Mr.X was going to be at Mulder's apartment in "End Game". Mitch replied that he didn't know for sure, but that he was probably either watching Scully or watching Mulder's building, so he saw when Mr.X went there. After stumbling around for a moment in an attempt to give a good answer to the kid's question, Mitch replied "Oh man I don't know" in a cute, flustered voice. Mitch asked the kid if he liked the fight, and the kid replied that he did. Mitch then asked him who won, and the kid said "You", to which Mitch replied "There you go!", accompanied by much shouting from the audience.
Mitch then said his goodbyes and left the stage.
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Laura Witte
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